Kitchen Remodel

RemodelRemodel OnlyLabor Cost Only75.00 per sq. ft.
RemodelChange LayoutLabor Cost Only 120.00 per sq. ft.
RemodelRemodel OnlyMaterials & Labor Up To 200.00 per sq. ft.
RemodelChange LayoutMaterials & LaborUp To 250.00 per sq. ft.
Remodel Design PlansRemodel Only100.00 per hr.
RemodelDesign PlansChange Layout125.00 per hr.
Average Kitchen Remodel Cost
A kitchen remodel costs $20,526 or $120 per square foot on average. Most homeowners spend between $10.000and $30.000 or $75 to $250 per square foot. The total cost depends on the size of the space, the quality of materials, and whether you change the layout of the room .The above prices are not final so contact our office to find out what we can do for you and get your personal price range.

A smaller project between $10,000 and $15,645 may include painting walls, refacing cabinets, upgrading the sink, and installing a tile backsplash. A $25,000+ renovation may include installing custom cabinets, hardwood floors, granite counters, and high-end appliances. The above table pricing is not final so call our office to find our how to design and plan for a new kitchen that fits your budget planning for the right kitchen remodel.

Get scheduled at: 314-610-0378